Monday, March 10, 2008

maybe the internet will write it for me

I keep checking back here for some reason along with the rest of the websites I frequent, just to see if anything has changed. I think I've reached the stage where, along with body heat, I'm now sharing a significant percentage of my consciousness with MacLappy, and when I die, all you'll have to do is hook it up to a car or something like KITT and I'll be back! Kind of! As a computer zombie! Out to kill you!

So anyway, once I wrote the first line in this post I thought "Hey! That's a great idea! I'll just list the sites I frequent and it'll be awesome filler that I don't have to think about!" And then, because good things come to those who wait, I thought, "Oorrr I could just write about one site at a time whenever I need filler! I'm set for life, sucka!" So I'm going to do that now. And to make it all official and everything, I'm going to put it in a new post.

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