Saturday, June 14, 2008

first post in forever

Sorry, a lot of life has been happening. Hey, a new Gotham Times is up! I voted for Harvey. Did you? Actually I'm really out of the loop on this one... the new stuff started happening while I was out of time and it's really hard to get back into it when crappy Frankenputer of the Ice Realm is the only thing that can get on the internet. But I did vote, and hopefully I'll pull into it soon. I wonder if anyone at the boards remembers me....

Anyway, in the Conclusions To Which I Never Thought I Would Come category, reached after conference... I would have laughed out loud if you would have told me I'd come to this three or four years ago:
You know what I need? What I would really really like? Some church. A whole lot of church. And nothing very new. Something with old songs that I know, and a lot of people that also know them, where a lot of people are interested in me (maybe) but if they are they already know enough about me that they don't really need to ask all the time, and at any rate you know they're trying to do the right thing. Basically, I would just kill for some church.

oh oh oh! don't it always seem to go...

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