Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Platonic Computer

I'm actually mostly putting this up so that I can remember all these products when the time comes to buy them.
This is what is up: I am pretty much a computer junkie and would like to have a nice setup at some time in the future. Because I am me, I am ordering this list by feasibility, with an emphasis on maximum utility at all times during the process.

The Grand Scheme (subject to change): to have a powerful desktop setup (Mac, with Boot Camp or similar product so that it can run Windows-only programs) accompanied by one or more functional wireless options and integrated into household technology (like Apple TV or stereo systems). This is 2054 we're talking about here, just so we're clear.

The purchases:
  • Basic mouse, for use in drawing and other fine motor movements, so as to forestall my inevitable development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Check!
  • Wacom tablet: I'm thinking the Bamboo Fun. Haven't decided on small or medium model yet... small is $100, medium $200. Hopefully, that survey I just filled out will mean that I will win one and I won't have to buy it at all!
  • Autodesk Sketchbook Pro. Originally this post was held by Photoshop or Illustrator, but if Sketchbook can do what I'm told it can do, I think this would be my first investment. It's supposed to be super-responsive and the digital pens, pencils etc. act like real ones in terms of pressure, how it feels, etc. $100 download.
  • Adobe Photoshop. What can I say; as much as I think I would tend towards other products like Illustrator, Photoshop sets the standard and I need to learn to use it. $700 --gbleah. Maybe I'll pirate this one (buy an unregistered used copy of an older version on Amazon or some such) at this stage of the game.
  • Adobe Illustrator. The makers of Adobe must be so rich. I remember back in the day, working with Adobe, and it was like Microsoft Office for the Ancient Macs. Mostly we used the word processor parts--the image software was only an incidental. Anyway, Illustrator has less of a focus on photo editing and more on creating from a blank canvas.
  • Tommy and the Magical Words. Tycho Recommended. Dear Lord I must have this have this game as soon as possible. Role-playing, solo scrabble! $19.95 download. This one might move up the list. ( Narrowly beats out Bookworm Adventures, which sounds absolutely amazing (it's a real RPG with a Scrabble-esque combat system, in which you can gain certain items that allow you to gain extra points for spelling words related to certain concepts!), but requires a PC. Also Tycho Recommended as "linguaphile crack" )
  • Uh, after Tommy's Magical words, the list gets pretty vague for awhile. All I know for sure is that the last piece is a Positronic Brain. I'm pretty sure there's only one or two of those around, so I will have to get in touch with Dr. Soong about getting a bootleg made.

this is unrelated, but I simply must share this wonderful article heading:
Noonien Soong

This article is about the android creator. You may be looking for Khan Noonien Singh.

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