Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Haunt Haunt Haunt Haunt Haunt #2: Dave Barry's Blog

Before school every Monday, I used to read the paper to see Dave Barry's column on the page opposite the comics. I remember reading one of his retirement, and thinking that probably they would start printing reruns... the next Monday, the column was gone, replaced by an absolutely atrocious and kind of mean-spirited "funny newz" thing. I thought maybe it was a temporary standby... and I waited another week... and another week... and slowly came to the conclusion that it really wasn't coming back. Not good times.

But (rattle rattle) THEN! Last year I discovered Dave Barry had a blog! And rather than write long and uninteresting posts once in a blue moon, he writes a headline and posts a link for dozens of stories a day. Throughout the day, you can find more posts, and the commenters have their own regulars and community. Highlights include live-blogging during episodes of 24, followed by minute-by-minute recaps by The Amazing Steve, an extremely impressive commenter. Also on the site weekly are links to recycled classic columns, and right now there's a Presidential Forum about his run for the presidency, which you may not have heard of in the So-Called Mainstream Media despite the fact that he is leading in every major poll, including the Maxim Hottest Man.

This Haunt wins the award for Updating Throughout the Day, Thereby Enabling My Internet Habit.

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