Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Keepin' on keepin' on

Some drawings. As you may remember, I was working on Impulse. This took some research. Impulse is young Bart Allen, who grows up to be the second Kid Flash and later, the fourth Flash. I had no idea the Flash family was so extended. And his childhood is rather convoluted: he has an ultra-fast metabolism that makes him grow up too fast, so they put him in a VR environment (?!) that keeps pace with him to help, somehow. When this doesn't work, his grandmother takes him back in time to see one of the old Flashes (Wally West), who races him across the world (?!?!) which shocks his metabolism back into normality and lets him look the age he is, which is something like 12 or something (?!?!?!?!?). So... anyway... because he grew up in a VR environment where he couldn't be hurt, he's incredibly reckless and cocky. Batman (!) names him Impulse "as a warning, not as a compliment" which seems like the thing Batman would be doing ALL THE TIME if you really had to deal with him. (I know it looks like Flash is the one he says named him below. I don't understand either. I'm really wary to look further into the Flash mythology.)

So the first thing I worked on was the mask. Bart's identity isn't a secret, so there's no reason to really wear a disguise. I kind of looked at him like a kid who has to be persuaded to wear safety gear by getting to paste lightning bolts on it, and in this spirit I treated the mask as a safety thing (like Doggles) that also makes him more aerodynamic. His hair is long, which is weird for a male superhero, but I kind of love the idea that it's permanently windblown straight back until he stops and the momentum flings it forward into his face.

So having stolen the track idea from one of the Project Rooftop entries that I absolutely love , I went with it. Basically, this is the USA track uniform. I don't have a problem with stealing from them because that's an age-old comics tradition. Impulse seems like the kind of guy who would put the symbol on his back because that's the only part of him you'll ever see.
This is the real illustration, and the one I fully intended to finish and color, but I really liked the way it looked in pencil and didn't want to mess it up with a few careless penstrokes.
The color above is better than Supergirl, but still not great. I'm thinking about getting some better coloring materials but MAN are they expensive. I guess I could be addicted to drugs, which would cost far more.I really love this Impulse. I kind of want to continue working with it, but it's time to move on! Next up:
STEPHANIE BROWN. I am pretty excited about this one.

But meanwhile! I am at college, and that is going ok but I have been kind of stressed so Glockblob will make his first appearance in a shamefully long time:

Oh oops. I was going to let that stand on its own but then I realized it was kind of disturbing. Um, there's some cameos by discarded side characters (left to right: Cousin Glocky, the perky female relative who has a magic wand; Nephew Blobby; one of the Samurai Salamanders, and a... ninja duck. For awhile there you just had to be a woodland creature with a mask to make it into the canon.) The snake was supposed to be a butterfly person, and the face kept making it look like a snake so I finished it. Also I can't draw sleeves on The Weather Man yet. That is all.

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