Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Spoiler Alert IV: When Will It End?!

Ok this is going kind of slow because every time I finish something off I want to put it up, and I also never want to give my real run-down because I don't feel quiiiite finished. And... it's going to keep going slow for a little bit longer. I just found out about Stephanie Brown! I have a lot of issues to work through!

Despite my best efforts (I swear I never looked back at the PR entries until I was done) I have clearly stolen quite a bit from Dean Trippe's design. I am ok with this. Dean Trippe designed one of the most awesome costumes I have ever seen.
I can't be expected to forget something that iconic. It is so amazing.

On second thought, I really shouldn't have put it up there right next to my pitiful little composition. But this is only an exercise, let me repeat over and over, only an exercise, it does not have to be perfect. I am not Dean Trippe, and that is OK.
And really, this is all experimentation anyway. Soon to be evidenced, because guess who bought some pastels today?

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